Myra Stewart Diallo

Prayer Request

I am coming for prayer for financial breakthrough so I can continue to fix the problems on my house like the toilet before and just will be things that done keep me from army or falling or hurt myself or anything and just that I can get it cleaned the way I want to and straightened up I mean I know it's you know Financial breakthrough I'm trying what I can you live by a little bit of stuff that needs to be done I might wasting the money on it if you need to be done I mean you can text now I just changed my blonde they were taking them down they crumble change one toilet took it out and fell apart so just continue to work on that door just tell me when my financial and also coming next month I've got to doctor's appointments coming up just please just let me be able to drive to those doctor's appointment or at least get somebody that can take me and bring me back cuz it's for my lungs and my allergy shots and my scared what job is just different things that I can get this took care of down in Morristown then I can be able to take myself and everything and do my performance in need for it so just please please let me be able to make that appointment and did everything go good that I can go from one town to another so I won't have to take that my own drive and keep this name I pray and Lord just give me the address let me go visit one friend that I don't want to see him since he's been in the hospital just give me the strength to be able to go do that and let me have somebody good that can ride with me to do it and that I don't panic and freak out because of my oxygen situation in Jesus name I pray and also please please continue prayer for my great nephew to get back in church Jesus name I pray amen