Have you ever brought a special gift, working hard just to get it, only to be refused by the person you were giving it to? That didn't feel right, did it? Our relationships are greatly enhanced when we become not only generous givers but generous receivers as well, when we know how to accept gladly and wholeheartedly, embracing the gift as an extension of the giver. It takes both giving and receiving for care and generosity to flow unimpeded.
Letting go of the past is not easy, especially if you have wounds that have never properly healed. But the past is past, and living there may be preventing you from fully experiencing the present. Likewise, fear of what may be looming around the corner can also prevent you from fully enjoying the present. Live in the moment and look forward to eternity with God; now that's a great present.
Submit your prayer request. Thousands of caring people will see it and pray for you.