Dear Lord,
For one month I have been praying for the Egypt documents. I am finally in trouble. I don’t know how to get out of this situation.
Are you even listening to my prayers??
I don’t know how to do them and there is no one to help me. Please help I beg of you. Find a solution for this problem please!
Why is wrong with me?! I am forever procrastinating. Help me I beg of you!
Dear Lord,
Please I beg of you to clear my brain fog and laziness.
Help me to start doing the Egypt order bank documents. I have have postponed it for 5 weeks. Please help me to finish them carefully without any mistakes
Please lord help cure this dulled brain feeling.
Help me to start today.
Look after Adit in Manila and Anish in his work. Help Adit get a permanent job.
Please lord help me not to get into trouble for procrastination.
Dear Lord,
Please cure me of this constant procrastination and laziness to do work.
Help me to be clear headed. Remove the brain fog and laziness from me.
Help me to start doing the Egypt order bank documents. Help me to stop postponing them. Help me to do it carefully and not make any mistakes.i have postponed it for over a month!!!
Look after Adit in Manila. Look after him and his health. Help him get a permanent job soon.
Please heal Anish’s ankle pain and look after his health.
Lord cure me of this laziness and procrastination and help me to be clear headed and do my work diligently.i beg of you to hear my prayers
Dear Lord,
Please help me start the Egypt order documents and not get into trouble for delaying them.
Help me to sleep properly and not sleep during the day to catch up.
Help me to do each set carefully.
Please cure my debilitating depression and anxiety.
Help Adit to get a permanent job and look after him on this solo trip to Manila. Please take care of him.
Please help me to stop procrastinating on work daily.
Look after Rekha and Alisha as they go to America for studies.
Please look after Anish’s work and health.
Dear Lord,
Please give me proper sleep daily so that I don’t resort to sleeping during the day and avoiding work.
Help me to start the documents for the Egypt order. I have already postponed it for a month.
Help me not to get into trouble for this delay.
Please help me not to make mistakes and do each set carefully.
Help Adit to get a permanent job and help him look after his health and lose weight.
Help Anish on his work and look after his health.
Please cure me of my debilitating depression and anxiety.
Dear Lord,
Please heal the chest infection and cough and wheezing.
Help me to finish the bank documents for the Egypt order and stop me from procrastinating over it.
Cure my debilitating depression and anxiety.
Help Adit get a permanent job and look after Anish while he is travelling.
Dear Lord,
Please heal my throat irritation and ear pain.
Please help Me To finish the bank documents for all the pending shipments. Help me to stop procrastinating on it.
Help Adit get a permanent job and look after Anish when he travels.
Please cure me of my debilitating depression and anxiety.
Look after mummy and cure her Parkinson’s.
Dear Lord,
Despite all the prayers Aravinda, Viswanath have refused to do the 6 series documents. I have to forcibly carry my laptop with me.
Please heal this musculoskeletal pain before I fly today.
You know how nervous I am about travelling so please take care of me and my family while we travel. Especially with regards to the food.
Please cure my numb legs and back pain. Please cure my debilitating depression and anxiety.
Look after 3 of us while travelling.
Look after Adit as he is travelling alone tomorrow.
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